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 Student Asked first question with at least one up vote

17 The users have been awarded with badges:

martin ♦651151939 × 1

CaringCook2065516 × 1

Bkjamin3067821 × 1

George Lawson71339 × 1

alissa4402321 × 1

nichouette46116 × 1

philim31114 × 1

jess31114 × 1

MelissaV121101017 × 1

Tarah Shannon121229 × 1

CosmoK16113 × 1

Jamie16113 × 1

VBaker61101016 × 1

thegeek16113 × 1

Merou31114 × 1

Ashley T16112 × 1

JessicaH16112 × 1